Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My next nominations (I couldn't wait)

I'm not trying to butt in line, I just couldn't help myself from putting together my second list of MMBC nominations. I think after Karamazov, we've still got Brandon's first book choice before we even begin Round 2.

Here goes anyway. The theme is hobbies, which lends itself easily to a club meeting activity or outing:
The Colossal Book of Short Puzzles and Problems

Learn Chess

The Far Side Galleries

Rockhounding Utah

Birds of Utah Field Guide


  1. I vote "Learn Chess" followed by a manly manly chess tournament. I've got about 6 tournament style chess sets donated to my school by Brother Gribble that I could bring.

  2. Sorry, I forgot about the ranking vote system. Here's mine:

    Learn Chess - 5 points
    Birds of Utah Field Guide - 4 points
    Far Side - 3 points
    Short Puzzles and Problems - 2 points
    Rockhounding - 1 point

  3. Far Side - 5
    Rockhounding - 4
    Learn Chess - 3
    Birds of Utah . . .- 2
    Short Puzzles - 1

  4. Far Side - 5
    Learn Chess - 4
    Rockhounding - 3
    Birds of Utah - 2
    Short Puzzles - 1

  5. Learn Chess - 5
    Birds of Utah - 4
    Short Puzzles - 3
    Rockhounding - 2
    Far Side - 1

  6. Rockhounding - 5 (Closet geologist)
    Birds - 4
    Far Side - 3
    Short Puzzles - 2
    Learn Chess - 1 (I already play....not well, but I know how.)


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