Monday, May 24, 2010


However, we can't read "War And Peace" because I just read that during the winter. It was great but come on! You want me to do that all over again?

I'm for "The Big Short," "A Brave New World," "Crime & Punishment" and if "Cakes & Ale" will give me an education in the production of ancient spirits, I'll read that one too.
"I only regret that I have but one nomination to give for my book club: The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court."

- Douglas Kleven

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I know after missing the last two book club meetings my club credibility is low. So I come before you in great sheepishness to nominate the following books for your consideration:

People of Paradox: A History of Mormon Culture by Terry Givens

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt

The Sparrow by Maria Doria Russell

A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Scott's Nominations Part Deux

OK Brandon, you're on. Here's my latest round of picks.

I wasn't around for round 1, so this is really only my second set of nominations. This time I am focusing on books I have never read (unlike last time) by authors I enjoy. There is something for everyone here, I hope.

Cakes And Ale - W. Somerset Maugham - I enjoy Maugham, but have never read this one. He is mainly known for Of Human Bondage, a book I hear is widely regarded as one of the most depressing in the English language (though I really liked it). This one is supposed to be one from his lighter side.

Stranger In A Strange Land - Robert Heinlein - One of Heinlein's best known, but one I have never read.

Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh - This is one of Waugh's best known novels, and one I have not read. I have enjoyed Scoop, Black Mischief, and others, though.

This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald - Fitzgerald's first novel. I have always meant to get to this one, but never have.

Bone - Jeff Smith - And now for something completely different...a graphic novel. This is the complete series in one volume. Though I have it, I have never read the whole thing as I came to the comic toward it's conclusion. This is more light-hearted fare, but not something you can breeze through as it weighs in at about 1300 pages.

The Tolkien Reader - J.R.R. Tolkien - Believe it or not, I have never read this book by perhaps my single favourite writer...and I have slogged through The Silmarillion at least four I thought maybe it's about time.

Myles' summer picks

Friday, May 21, 2010

Brandon's Nominations --- Round 3

My theme for this time around: books I've wanted to read for a long time but really won't ever get around to (or stick with it) if it's not for book club. Besides, nothing says Summer Reading like settling in with a monolithic classic novel, right?

Billy Budd, Sailor and Selected Tales (Oxford Worlds Classics)
Crime and Punishment (Norton Critical Editions)

Round 3

Jon posted his picks recently, but due to his messed up priorities, won't be able to read anything for the next two months. So we'll read his pick for August. In the meantime, let's get some more nominations from everyone. If Doug gets his up soon enough, we'll read it for June. Otherwise we'll go with someone else's picks. Can we have everything up and voted on by next friday? Sure we can. But let's kick it up a notch. How about by tomorrow? That would be manly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chess at Joe's

The bratwurst will be hot and the IBC root beers will be cold at 7 o'clock on Thursday evening. If you want to bring an item, keep it simple and make your choice known in the comments to avoid duplication.

My place is 811 East 150 South (one block north of Myles).

We're counting on Brandon and East Hollywood High for chess boards.

The other night I dreamed that life was a chess match controlled by unknown entities. That meant I had to move whenever and wherever this mysterious being willed me to be. I spent a great deal of my time at a centrally located cafe table. The nearest opposing player was a nice woman who was understandably apathetic about the circumstances. Nobody got excited about the outcome or felt loyalty to the powers that be. When orders for the woman's next move were issued, she stood up and left the cafe while others moved in to lethargically capture me, a fate I was helpless to avoid since I had not been ordered to escape. Alas, I finished the dream in prison waiting for news not of victory, only of an end.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Celestial Glory

Doug, when I spoke to him on the phone just as we pulled into the Provo Gun Club, was bemoaning the fact that he couldn't make it to last month's meeting because he was doing the right thing and helping a lady in his ward move. "You're just pulling into the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom" he said, "and I'm stuck in the lowest pit of hell."

Turns out he was right. Here's some pictures of what Celestial Glory looks like:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chess book update

Joe says he isn't getting the specific chess book he pitched. Just get a book that will help you in the tournament. I think I've found mine.

The Manly Calendar