Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Behold, my 6 offers:

1. The Choice by Russell Roberts
2. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
3. 100 Años de Soledad by Gabriel García Márquez
4. The Night Stalker by Phillip Carlo
5. Life on the Mississipi by Mark Twain
6. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by F.D.


  1. 6- 100 Years
    5 - Life on Mississippi
    4 - Frederick Douglass
    3 - The Choice
    2 - Alexander Hamilton
    1 - Night Stalker

  2. You did it! Huzzah!

    6 - 100 Years
    5 - Frederick Douglass
    4 - Mississippi
    3 - Night Stalker
    2 - The Choice
    1 - Alexander Hamilton

  3. 6- La Soledad
    5- Mississippi
    4- Night Stalker
    3- Douglas
    2- Choice
    1- Hamilton

  4. And again, still not looking......

    Life On The Mississippi - 6
    Alexander Hamilton - 5
    100 Years Of Solitude - 4
    Frederick Douglass - 3
    The Choice - 2
    Night Stalker - 1

  5. Mississippi 6
    100 years 5
    Fredereick Douglass 4
    Hamilton 3
    The choice 2
    Night stalker 1


The Manly Calendar