Saturday, June 14, 2014

Steve's Nominations (Round Tres)

There's nothing thematic going on here. Just some books I'd like to read. Also, I swear I made this list before I saw Brandon's (Kawabata must be in the air).

Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance, Kenneth Silverman
The Undertaking: Life Studies from a Dismal Trade, Thomas Lynch
Marcovaldo, or Seasons in the City, Italo Calvino
Palm-of-the-Hand Stories, Yusanari Kawabata
Death Comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather
Railsea, China Mieville


  1. Railsea - 6
    Carcovaldo - 5
    Palm of Hand - 4
    Archbishop - 3
    Undertaking - 2
    Poe - 1

  2. Great reads! Here's my rather arbitrary ranking:

    6- Marcovaldo
    5- Palm of the Hand
    4- Archbishop
    3- Poe
    2- Railsea
    1- Undertaking

  3. Carcovaldo - 6
    Railsea - 5
    Palm of Hand - 4
    Poe - 3
    Undertaking - 2
    Archbishop - 1

    Amen and amen.

  4. The Undertaking - 6
    Archbishop - 5
    Marcovaldo - 4
    Palm of the Hand - 3
    Poe - 2
    Railsea- 1

  5. Again, not looking........

    Railsea - 6
    Death Comes For The Archbishop - 5
    Marcovaldo - 4
    Poe - 3
    Palm-Of-The-Hand Stories - 2
    The Undertaking - 1


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