Meet at my house at 7:30 to carpool to an undisclosed location known to a few as "The Rock Castle." It's not far enough away to completely avoid the Golden Horde, but it is fairly defensible. I'm having trouble deciding which meat to roast. Pigeons from an overpass, locally harvested vole, organically raised free range vermin of any kind... Or hot dogs to get a combination of all three.
For those of you that are writers as well as readers, you could win Rawles' writing contest!
I really hate to say this, but I'm afraid I will have to pass on this one. I do have a very good reason, however (note I said reason here); it's our 2nd anniversary, so I will be spending the evning with my wife.
ReplyDeleteThis is proof that the date for the end of the world is difficult to pin down! Note that it's on a Tuesday this time.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, Tuesday is Merilee's birthday, so I'm still out. I did read the book and thought I would post the review I posted on the library site for everyone's enjoyment. It runs below:
ReplyDeletePersonally, this book should begin with the sentence, "First, win the lottery," as that is what it would take for the average person to be able to do everything Mr. Rawles suggests. From my reading, one would have to have a very lucrative job to be able to afford just getting set up to survive TEOTWAWKI.
Affordability aside, this book makes some interesting and often good suggestions, but it is definitely not a 'how to' book in the traditional sense in that it really tells you how to do very little. It seems to assume that the reader is already well into the survivalist lifestyle and knows a good deal about topics such as guns and animal husbandry. The chapter on gardens, for example, spends barely any time on gardens and chooses instead to focus on raising and storing grain. Furthermore, Mr. Rawles appears to never have heard of a greenhouse or the concept of water rights.
If you are new to the whole survivalist mindset (much like myself), then this book serves as more of a brief introduction than a good primer. After reading this book, I found myself with one or two good new ideas, but on the whole I left feeling overwhelmed, poor, and rather confused. It was good for a laugh in places, though.