Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This Thursday

Here's what I was thinking. We could meet at my place in Thursday (June 17th) and carpool up Provo Canyon to someplace we can get a fire going and enjoy the mountain air for the evening. I can carry three people comfortably, four a little less so, so a couple of us may need to drive depending on who comes. I will supply cheesecake; everyone else can bring whatever they feel moved to bring (perhaps something they picture having in paradise, or something decadent....cheesecake works both ways). I am going to go scout out locations tomorrow, but any suggestions of favourite spots would be most welcome.

Does this work for everyone?


  1. Last summer we hit a place called "Upper Falls" that was pleasant, although I wouldn't mind seeing a new part of the canyon.

  2. I finished it last night. I'll be there.


The Manly Calendar