Saturday, May 14, 2011

Brandon's picks - round 5

1. The Horror of the Heights by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A collection of tales of the supernatural.  None of which feature Sherlock Holmes, but the two that I've read before are pretty kick-butt.

2. Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal
Explains the science behind why games are good for us--why they make us happier, more creative, more resilient, and better able to lead others in world-changing efforts.  Wait, is this for real?

3. Hard Times by Charles Dickens
I sure get a bang out of Dickens' use of the English Language, but find most of his books way too long.  This one looks more manageable.

4. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
I don't know anything about this, except it was Kara's favorite book for a long time.

5. Norwood by Charles Portis
This is the first book by the guy that wrote True Grit.


  1. Horror Of The Heights - 5
    Hard Times - 4
    Norwood - 3
    Reality Is Broken - 2
    A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - 1

  2. Norwood 5
    heights 4
    Brooklyn 3
    Broken 2
    That dickens book 1


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