Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Brandon's Nominations - Round 2

I wrote the following entry before we read the sparrow, but I still like it so I'm going with it.

As our book club name and roster implies, we've lately been reading a lot of books by, about, and for the dudes.

Time for some variety, I say. Time, in fact, to read a book written by, and starring, a woman. Here are my nominees:

Housekeeping by Marylinne Robinson
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Rebecca by Daphne Dumaurier
Sula by Toni Morrison
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf


  1. Tree/Brooklyn - 6
    Rebecca - 5
    Sula - 4
    Room of One's Own - 3
    Housekeeping - 2
    Handmaid - 1

  2. Brooklyn Tree 6
    Housekeeping 5
    Room of one's own 4
    Sula 3
    Rebecca 2
    Handmaid 1

  3. Rebecca - 6
    Room Of One's Own - 5
    Tree Grows In Brooklyn - 4
    Housekeeping - 3
    Handmaid - 2
    Sula - 1


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